
Facing jail over forged Dhs2 ticket

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Driver says he found permit on floor

A Motorist is facing up to  three months in prison if convicted of using a doctored parking ticket.
The Labanese man told Abu Dhabi Criminal Court that he found the ticket, worth Dhs2, on the ground.
However, he denied knowing that it was fake.
He told court that he picked the ticket  up and its duration was still valid, so he decided to use it on his car.
"I had no idea it was forged. It seemed genuine", the man testified during a court hearing yesterday.
The man's lawyer, Habeeb Al Houssani, told the judge that his client should be acquitted because there was no practical evidence to prove he had forged anything.
"He was not caught in the act, the forged ticket was only found in his car," he said.
And Al Houssani added there was no way his client would go to that trouble of forgery for just a Dhs 2 ticket.
Prosecutors said the fraud was uncovered after a parking inspector noticed that the ticket seemed suspicious. Police were called and discovered that it was fake.
If found guilty of forgery, the Labanese man may be jailed for up to three months and deported.
The verdict is due to be announced on Thursday.

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